WI Harm Reduction Needs Assessment and Conference
About |
The term “harm reduction” refers to any approach or strategy designed to minimize the harmful consequences associated with a certain behavior, such as substance use, without necessarily targeting the behavior itself. Regarding opioid use disorder, stimulant use disorder, and overdose, and alcohol use disorder, harm reduction involves various evidence-based approaches shown to reduce negative health and social outcomes, primarily prevention of death from overdose.
Aims |
This project is WI Department of Health Services funded.
Project Purpose: To promote and provide an evidence-based and practice-informed programming and opportunities for advancing collaborative and innovative behavioral health education, capacity training, peer-to-peer learning, with professionals working in the substance use harm reduction field. Overarching Goal: Develop and evaluate defined activities that are focused on reducing Overdoses in Wisconsin. Program Objectives:
The first annual conference will be held June 28-29, 2023 in Green Bay (The full event will be available virtually.) Learn more and register at: www.wisconsinconnect.org/harmreduction.html |
Partners |
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Team |
Principle Investigator
Elizabeth Duthie, PhD Project Team Jessica Bizub Bernestine Jeffers David Frazer, MPH Kaija Zusevics, PhD |